Instructions for author
Instructions to author
AYUSH International Research Journal of Ayurveda Teachers Association (AIRJATA) is an online peer reviewed research journal inviting your full-length original research work paper, short communications, review articles and case study.
The main intentions are to become the best source of high-quality research. Manuscripts with multi-authors requires the consent of each of the authors. The editor in chief will assume that the corresponding author has obtained the no objection certificate from all other co-authors to submit the article.
The undersigned author/co-authors hereby declare that the article is original, neither the article nor a part of it is published anywhere else and has not been considered for publication anywhere
Submission of article doesn’t mean it will be definitely published. Every manuscript will be reviewed by team of reviewers and editorial board member, and the final decision will be taken by the editor for acceptance or rejection of article
Responsibility of author:
The content of article & views expressed there are the sole responsibility of authors. Editorial in chief & its board member will not be responsible for the same.
Length of manuscript.
- Original research paper: 8 to 9 pages
- Case study: 4 to 5 pages
- Review article: 10 to 15 pages
- Short communication: 8 to 10 pages.
Manuscript format:
It should be in MS word. Tables, images & figures must be incorporate in the manuscript at the position they should appear when published.
Manuscript Preparation:
The language of the journal is English so manuscript should be prepared in English Manuscripts should be type written in double spaced in A4 sized sheets with a 1.5 inch margin on all sides. The manuscript shall be prepared in Times New Roman font using a font size of 12. Title shall be in a font size 14 bold face. All section titles in the manuscript shall be in font size 12, bold face capitals. Subtitles in each section shall be in font size 12, bold face lower case followed by a colon. Italic font style should not be used in the main text except Latin names & Ayurvedic terminology.
Manuscripts shall be organized in the following order:
- Title page,
- Abstract
- Key words
- Introduction,
- Materials and methods,
- Observation & results
- Discussions,
- Conclusion,
- Acknowledgements (if any)
- Conflict of interest.
- References
- Title page:
Title page must contain title of the research paper in bold face, title case with font size 14. The names of the authors in normal face, upper case with font size 12 followed by the address in normal face lower case. The author to whom all correspondence be addressed should be mentioned as "*Address For correspondence" with a functional e-mail address which should be at the bottom left corner of title page.
The title should be clear, concise complete and should be reflect study design. Mention the names of the authors as initials followed by surnames. Do not put Dr., Mr., Mrs., and Prof. Etc. before names. The name of the department(s) and institution(s) or organizations where the work should be attributed should be specified.
- Abstract:
Abstract must be concise and not exceeding 250 words. Abstract should be clear and informative. Abstract must contains the purposes of the study, the method adopted for it, result of study & conclusion of study in short.
- Keywords:
Keywords should not be more than 3 to 6. Arrange them in alphabetical order. Keywords must be reflecting the scientific content of your study.
- Introduction:
Introduction should be clear & justified the rationale of study. Introduction should be brief & must contains some background of the study. Mentioned few research work & knowledge gap/lacunae. Objective should fulfil “SMART” criteria. Introduction should not lengthy. References should be mentioned.
- Material & method:
Mention the study design, study setting, study population & sample size. It should be containing the technique of data collection. It also should contain the inclusion, exclusion & withdrawal criteria. Mention obstetrics cases as women & not patient. In comparative study mentioned as subjects & controls. If drug is used as material mentioned its content & reference with disease. State the intervention in details. Measurement should be metric units. Informed consent should be mentioned & also containing the ethical committee clearance.
- Observations & result:
It may contain the table, graphs or photographs. Table should not be more than 5. Labelled the table & give the number to each table. Table should be self-explanatory & doesn’t contains more than 15 rows & 20 columns. Table number should be mentioned in theory portion of your article. The observation which is given in table must not be plotted in graphs. Photograph should be clear & having high resolution. Do not do the manipulation in the photographs. For reproducing a figure, you have to need permission from author/publisher and the source should be cited. Don’t disclose the patient’s identity.
When the data is summarised, mentioned the specific statistical test to analyse the data. Give confidence intervals along with p value. Specify name of statistical software and versions used.
- Discussions:
Discussion should be done on the basis of data collected or reference or literature available for it. State the main findings of the study. Ensure that the interpretations match with the data. State the strengths and weaknesses of the study. State limitations of the study. Indicate scope for future studies
- Conclusion:
Conclusion should be drawn from the observation & result. Don’t repeat the same thing which have discussed in observation & result. Conclusion should be short. Describe practical importance. State recommendation clearly.
- Acknowledgement:
Thanks to all who helped you for the study. Mentioned if any funding is granted for study.
- Conflict of interest.
Author should mention conflict of interest, if any.
- Reference:
Referencing is a standardized way of acknowledging the sources of information and ideas. Used Vancouver style for citation.
Example for Samhita Reference
- Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridhabala, Charak Samhita, Sutra Sthana, Dirghajivitiya Adhyaya, 1/15, edited by Sharma PV, Reprint ed. Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 2011;4.
- Ibidem. Charak Samhita (1), Sutra Sthana, Indriyopakramaniya Adhyaya, 8/19; 357-61.